New Chicago Mayor Proves The Windy City is Ground Zero For the Revolution

Mayor Johnson’s conversation with 60s radical, new deputy of community safety reveal much about Chicago’s future
It was almost impossible not to see through the media worship and deceit of Mayor Brandon Johnson’s inauguration and catch a glimpse of the negative consequences his administration poses for the citizens of Chicago.
The media hysteria surrounding Brandon Johnson’s election was neither unexpected nor unplanned. Johnson’s election as mayor, like Kim Foxx’s elevation to State’s Attorney before him, was an important victory for the nation’s most corrupt media. Chicago media desperately needs equally corrupt elected officials to toe the party-line on their dismal, fraudulent and manufactured narratives.
And so the typical inane observations about what Johnson will mean for Chicago poured out from the usual suspects of the Chicago media, all of them carefully avoiding what is obvious to most Chicagoan’s lining up to make a reservation at their local U-Haul company: Chicago has already reached the point of no return. It gets more and more difficult for the Chicago media to confront this reality with the substance of stories by these largely talentless, self-aggrandizing scribes cranking out one article after another claiming the central problem in Chicago is the “racist” police.
What Johnson portends for the city is not difficult to discover for those taking the trouble to see through the haze of media deflection. Johnson revealed his bias and the prelude to Chicago’s future shortly after winning the election. It was an announcement that Johnson would be a guest in a conversation with Dr. Angela Davis, a long-time radical university professor from California. The discussion was ominously entitled Freedom, Dreams, and Chicago’s Future.
The mere fact that a recently elected mayor of Chicago would sit down and talk about the future of Chicago with Davis pretty much tells the public that Chicago is now a hopeless place that also poses a dire threat to the rest of the country, for Chicago is a kind of barometer for the rest of the countries big cities.
Let’s recount precisely who Angela Davis is.
Davis was once on the FBI’s Most Wanted List, just like Chicago’s own Bernardine Dohrn, who as founding member of the Weather Underground had had been responsible for a series of bombings throughout the country in the 1970s. Both Davis and Dohrn were revolutionaries, hoping to overthrow the American system and remake it into something more humane, just like, say, the Soviet Union, or Castro’s Cuba. Davis today continues to espouse revolutionary ideals.
Why, then, someone in Chicago might ask, was the new mayor sitting down for a conversation with a self-professed revolutionary only days after his being sworn in as mayor? They also might have to ask why Davis was on the FBI’s Most Wanted List.
The answer to the latter question is chilling. Prosecutors in Marin County, California, had once tied Davis to a plan to aid in the escape of prison inmate, George Jackson. Jackson had been radicalized while behind bars and had written a collection of articles expressing his militant revolutionary views titled “Soledad Brother.” Davis and Jackson had exchanged numerous letters expressing admiration for one another.
To spring Jackson from prison, a plan was hatched to take hostages at the criminal trial of another convict, James McClain, who was accused of the murder of a prison guard. George Jackson’s brother, Jonathan, smuggled several guns into the courtroom, brandished them, gave one to McClain and distributed other firearms to two other inmates who were also at the trial as witnesses. Jackson and the other offenders took Judge Harold Haley, three female jurors, and a prosecutor hostage.
The original plan was the hostages would be used as leverage to secure the release of George Jackson from prison.
The offenders taped a sawn-off shotgun under the chin of Judge Haley as a kind of booby trap and bound the others with piano wire. After securing hostages, the group fled with courthouse into a waiting van. Encountering a police roadblock, a shootout followed. Judge Haley was killed, along with Jackson and two other convicts. The prosecutor was paralyzed and a juror wounded.
An investigation revealed that two of the guns used in the crime were purchased by none other than Angela Davis, including the shotgun that killed Judge Haley. Davis was indicted. She went on the run and was captured three months later at a New York restaurant.
Davis, as expected, claimed her innocence. In what might be labeled an early sign of the damage that would be done to the criminal justice system by a media increasingly enamored of the violent radical leftists emerging in the late 1960s, Davis immediately became a “cause célèbre.” Despite the clear evidence she purchased the guns, Davis was, nevertheless, acquitted.
Like her fellow radicals with the Weather Underground who spent much of the 1970s running around setting off bombs and calling for the murder of police officers, Davis retreated to a university classroom where she could further “educate” the youth on the evils of the American system and praise the enlightenment of communist countries.
So exactly why is Chicago’s new mayor sharing a stage with a radical the likes of Angela Davis? What clearer statement could be made about the future of Chicago than the fact that the mayor is sitting down to a friendly conversation with a violent radical?
A public appearance that reveals Johnson’s term will represent more than just idle talk, the mayor also announced on the eve of his inauguration the creation of several new positions in his administration, including a Deputy Mayor for Community Safety. A bureaucratic position that sounds similar to Soviet-era ministerial post, the duties of this new deputy mayor are ostensibly aimed at “eradicating the root causes of crime and violence and advance a comprehensive, healing-centered approach to community safety.”
Translation: The new mayor of Chicago is now on board with the most radical anti-police initiatives in the country. With this position, no matter how bad the crime becomes in Chicago, and it will get worse than ever imagined, the new deputy mayor, knowing the media is in his back pocket, will wax philosophical on eliminating the “root” causes of crime. The sad reality taking shape in Chicago is that the new mayor’s inaction on crime will become one of root causes of crime.
This new position and the language justifying it no doubt tickles the imagination of radicals like Davis.
So who did Mayor Johnson select to run this new evolving disaster? None other than Garien Gatewood, Director of the Illinois Justice Project, one of many political organizations that peddles “holistic solutions” to crime and incarceration that are in truth fronts for the anti-police movement. Gatewood’s Illinois Justice Project is a who’s who of anti-police activists, some of them even former staff members with law firms specializing in suing the police.
This leads to another disturbing trend certain to evolve under Mayor Johnson. All signs are indicating that Johnson is going to oversee a vast transfer of wealth from the taxpayers to the radical brethren now running the city and eyeing power throughout the country. That transfer of public money will take place through the further corruption of the courts, as Johnson and his new public safety director will no doubt push policies and legal arguments that put police in the crosshairs of lawsuits, particularly bogus exoneration claims by prison inmates. Already one of Chicago’s most thriving industries, it now threatens to become its biggest money-making ventures for Johnson and his ilk.
Angela Davis, Bernardine Dohrn, and Brandon Johnson, you’ve all come a long way, baby.
The coup brewing in Chicago could not be possible without two other key factors aside from media collusion. One is the wholesale failure of the police union to address what is developing in Chicago and other cities. The Chicago Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) has been essentially silent while Johnson pieces together a cast of radicals who will assist him leading the city. There is little to no preparation by the FOP to protect its members or have some influence over the Johnson’s recreation of the city, aside from bellicose social media posts by FOP leadership.
The second factor is the complete failure of conservatives to meaningfully address and fight what is taking place in Chicago.
The violent tactics against the justice system by 1960s radicals are no longer necessary. They are on the inside of the system. Those who want to preserve America's constitutional republic are on the outside.
And that, dear reader, is what you call revolution.